ADVICE OF HASAN BASRI rahmatullahi alayhi

In the time of Hasan Basri (Rahmatullahi Alayh) people came to him with problems and difficulties which had overtaken them, requesting him for Duas. He replied, “No, we will not make Dua. Instead, we will read two Rakaats Salaah, for verily ALLAH says:“When you are overtaken with any pain or difficulty then make ISTIGHFAAR unto ALLAH, remember and start counting your sins and cry unto ALLAH to forgive you. ALLAH will open up the heavens and shower his mercy in the form of rain that will bless the land, your crops will grow and there will be barkat in your crops, your eating, and your money.
So the first lesson we take home in Ramadhaan is Istighfaar in abundance, whilst walking, going to work and whilst driving continuously make Istighfaar and remember the sins we have committed, because these are the moments in which we turn to ALLAH. And He promises to grant us whatever we want.
We thank ALLAH again for His Grace and Mercy. We look at another example: 365 days a year we have a certain way of life or habit, then comes Ramadhaan and immediately there is a change, this is an indication and a sign of the verses of Quran wherein it appears that ‘When you are sincere and adopt Taqwa then ALLAH is there to aid and assist you’.
Take the example of people who say, “I go through 60 cigarettes a day, Moulana. I cannot do without cigarettes.” Ramadhaan comes and he does not smoke one for the entire day. How do you think this is possible? It is ALLAH’S Mercy and Grace, this is an indication to show that ALLAH is alongside us to aid and assist us.
We said that Taqwa is the key element to our success, and the stepping stone to Taqwa is Tauba, repentance and ISTIGHFAAR, so this is where we start. We can define Taqwa as fear of ALLAH or introducing good ways and habits and removing bad habits, or as piety and sincerity.