Therefore, amongst the items that are harmful and detrimental to us, the most serious one is Kibr or pride. This is the mother of all sicknesses and the spiritual doctors have said that 99 percent of people have contracted the disease of Kibr. To a certain extent even the Ulema and Mashaaikh have contracted the disease of Kibr, therefore it is important that we look at this disease of Kibr. From this disease you find that other diseases like jealousy, revenge, hatred towards people etc. emerges. The first person to contract this disease was Iblees, when ALLAH created Hazrat Aadam Alaihis Salaam and commanded the Malaaikah to make Sujood to him, all made Sujood besides Iblees, because he did not realise that he had the disease of Kibr saying that he was better than Aadam Alaihis Salaam. He argued that because Aadam Alaihis Salaam was created from sand and he (Iblees) from fire, fire is always above whilst sand is always at the bottom. So in his small mind he thought himself to be better than Aadam Alaihis Salaam. What was the consequences of this? He was rejected till the day of Qiyaamah.
We can thus see how severe is this Kibr, it can lead a person to Kufr and rebellion and it can also earn that person the curse of ALLAH.