It comes in one Hadeeth that each and every night of Ramadhaan seven hundred thousand people upon whom Jahannum is Waajib, are freed from the fire of Jahannam. This is only an example. but we can imagine the multitudes of people that ALLAH forgives and frees from the fire of Jahannam. So the duty of the servant is that we must take advantage of this. It comes in the Hadeeth that on the day of Qiyaamat ALLAH will call one of his servants. ALLAH will show him a list of his minor sins and ALLAH will tell him that this is what you did on such and such a day and time. The servant will think that these are only my minor sins what about my major sins. So immediately he petitions ALLAH and says
to ALLAH that never ever did he commit these sins and he starts denying all these sins. ALLAH will say that this is what you committed and he will persist in his denial. ALLAH in His Infinite Mercy will say, “I forgive you for all those sins.” Upon hearing this he suddenly changes his plea, and he now tells ALLAH that he had forgotten about a certain sin (because ALLAH promised to exchange all his sins for good deeds)! ALLAH will then say: “I forgive you for those sins and also grant you rewards for it.”
So this is the opportunity we take in this month. Mmake an excuse to ask ALLAH, “O ALLAH I needed a certain favour. You promised to give it to me O ALLAH, but I don’t see it...” This is how we take advantage of this month.
Therefore it comes in the Hadeeth: “For each and every Muslim who fasts in this month throughout the day, when he makes Dua, ALLAH promises that his Dua is accepted.” We have not realised the value and meaning of being Mustajaab in the eyes of ALLAH. This means, being one whose duas are accepted. Those Malaaikah who carry the Arsh of ALLAH are commanded by ALLAH to leave their posts and only do one thing in this sacred month: that wherever you see my slaves making Dua you must stand along side them and say Aameen to their Duas.
Therefore, I say to my friends: let us not be amongst the unfortunate ones who come to the Masjid and sit and talk especially in the month of Ramadhaan. Whilst we are sitting here, we all know what are our needs, so ask ALLAH. There is no need to pick up our hands. While sitting we can say, ‘Ya ALLAH! I want this, I need that, this is my problem; O ALLAH I need forgiveness, etc.’ The Malaaikah will be there to say Aameen to that Dua. There is, therefore, no reason why we cannot bring changes in our lives.