We are discussing Taqwa and the signs of Taqwa. One of the signs is Muhabbat or love. Without love one can never progress as far as Taqwa is concerned. Let’s take worldly examples: If we love business we will always speak about business, if we love our Ustaadh we will speak about our Ustaadh, if we love motor cars we will speak about cars, and so forth. If we love ALLAH and ALLAH’S Rasool then the signs and symptoms will also manifest in the life of that Mumin. Therefore, it is mentioned in the Hadeeth:“Whoever loves something will mention it a lot.” So if we love ALLAH and ALLAH’S Rasool then wherever we are we will speak about them.
This is the reason why we are sitting here today. We are not here for money or food. Yes! We are creating the love of ALLAH and ALLAH’S Rasool. ALLAH says in the Holy Quraan:
“Undoubtedly ALLAH and ALLAH’S Malaaikah send Salawaat upon Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, Oh people of Ieman! it is your duty to you send Salaat and Salaam upon Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.”
Now consider this verse. ALLAH RABUL IZZAT commands the Malaaikah, Jinn and Insaan in the Holy Quraan to perform Salaah, Haj and fast ect. However, nowhere in the Quraan does ALLAH give an instruction which ALLAH himself follows, except in the command of Durood upon Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. This shows the importance of Durood upon Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Once Nabi Kareem Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam mounted the mimbar, upon ascending each step, he said, “Aameen.” The Sahabah said: “Oh Rasoolullah, we had never ever witnessed something of this nature, what is the reason for you saying Aameen upon each step?”
Rasoolullah replied, “Hazrat Jibreel Alaihis Salaam came to me as I was mounting the mimbar saying: ‘Destruction be to that person who does not send Durood upon you in a gathering when your name is mentioned.’ So I said Aameen to that.
On the second step he said: ‘Destruction be to that person who finds the month of Ramadhaan and does not secure his Maghfirat and Rahmah by ALLAH.’ I said Aameen to that.
On the third step he said: ‘Destruction be to that person who finds his parents in old age and does not secure his Jannat through them.’ I said Aameen to that.”
It is mentioned in a Hadeeth: “The closest to me on Qiyaamat will be those people who increase Durood and Salawaat upon me.” Therefore, the day of Jumua is a very great day, this is the day we have been instructed to increase Durood upon Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
It is mentioned in another Hadeeth: “When a person sends Salawaat upon Rasoolullah that Salawaat is taken in a golden tray from wherever you are in the world and is presented to Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam with your family lineage.”
Another Hadeeth states: “Whoever sends one Durood ALLAH sends ten Durood upon him.”
Now this is unique. Can we imagine that while sitting here in a gathering, we send Durood and Salawaat, thousands of Durood will reach Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Now I always say to my friends that why do we waste this unique opportunity when we come to the Masjid? What is the reason, especially children, that we speak in the Masjid? Amongst the signs of Qiyaamah is that people will talk and speak worldly matters in the Masjid.
What is preventing us from reaping that unique Barakah? Whenever we are in the house of ALLAH take a Tasbeeh and say “Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam” this is the shortest form of Durood. Therefore, amongst the means of reaching ALLAH via Taqwa one method is to increase Durood upon Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam wherever we are. It is proven that when we are in difficulty we should increase the Durood upon Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Hazrat Umar Radhiallahu Anhu says that a person’s Duas are suspended between the heavens and earth until he sends Durood upon Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Therefore the Sunnat method of the Dua is to send Durood at the start and end of your Dua. So let us increase Durood upon Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
I always give the example of King Mahmood Ghaznawi, he recited seventy thousand Durood daily! Now this might seem impossible but the day you embark on reciting Durood, I promise you, you will see in one day how much Durood you are able to recite. Therefore, some of the Fuqaha and Ulema have written that the minimum requirement of the word ‘Akthar’ (an Arabic word which means abundance) is at least three hundred Durood.
We should try this out ourselves whenever we come to the Masjid, take out our Tasbeehs and read “Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam” you will find sometimes you will read one thousand, two thousand Durood without even realising it. Whilst driving sometimes your eyes get attracted to something. Read Durood; the Barakah and Noor of that will protect you from sin and evil. May ALLAH give us Taufeeq and guidance to increase the Durood.