A STORY OF HAZRAT UMAR radhiyallahu anhu

Hazrat Umar radhiyallahu anhu made an announcement on the mimbar that as from today no person should mix milk with water. This was because in those days after washing the udders of the cows, the remaining water was left in the bucket and it got mixed with the milk that was being extracted from the cow. So instead of the cow giving 1litre of milk you ended up with 2l itres, for example. From a Shar’ee point of view this is not permissible because you are deceiving people, hence this announcement from Ameerul Mumineen.
In the evening whilst patrolling the streets, he passed by a house where he overheard the mother saying to her daughter, “We are poverty stricken, things are a bit difficult, so add a little water to the milk and this
will bring in some extra profit when we sell the milk.” The young daughter said to her mom: “ Mummy! Did you not hear the announcement of Ameerul-Mumineen?” The mother said to the daughter, “Where is Ameerul-Mumineen now, he is sitting in his palace and relaxing while we are struggling here.” The daughter replied, “ Mummy this is not to please Ameerul-Mumineen but it is to please ALLAH because his orders are the orders of ALLAH”.
Hazrat Umar R.A. became extremely pleased on hearing this, so the following day he summoned this girl and her mother to his court. When they arrived, he related to them what he had overheard last night, and praised the daughter for her honesty. He then proposed marriage to her on behalf of his son. This is the definition of Taqwa, that in the darkness of your room, who is looking into the mind and heart? None other but ALLAH!