If one does not consider this Kibr as important then look at the Quraanic verses where Hazrat Luqmaan alayhis salaam gave naseehat (advice) to his son. Some of these advices pertain to the individual and some to the entire Ummat. He said:
“Oh my son! Do not turn your face or cheek away from people with pride (when people are talking to you).”
Such behaviour is contrary to the Quraan. If anybody speaks to you then listen to him carefully with full attention.
“Don’t walk on the earth with pride because undoubtedly ALLAH detests those who have pride; when you walk then walk with moderation, and make sure that the manner you speak does not demonstrate that you are a person of pride; and lower your voice when speaking for undoubtedly the worst of sounds is that of a donkey.”

A person pased by Hazrat Ayesha radhiyallahu anha and she enquired as to who this person is and why is he walking as if he is sick. Somebody said that this person is a Qaari and an Aalim and this is how they walk in order for people to recognise them. She replied reciting the above verses, saying that who is a greater Qaari and Aalim than Hazrat Umar radhiyallahu anhu? Look at how he walked and how this person is walking. From his body-language we can see pride. Why did the Quraan and Hadeeth speak about our dressing, walking, speech etc.? What is the reason for this? This is to show us that ALLAH wants us to don the garments of Taqwa.
Now when we walk we should not walk like the Yahood and Nasaara, nor should we walk so slowly like that of a woman or a person who is sickly, for if you walk like them then are imitating them. If a person is sick then definitely that person is excused. Otherwise, one should walk as if he is healthy and strong. When speaking, don’t raise your voice and shout because this is a sign of the people of Jaahiliyya and a sign of arrogance in the voice. Whenever in the company of people the habit of Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam was to focus totally on them; he listened to them carefully although many times they said things which he did not want to hear but still gave them a hearing. If there was some Islaah to be made then he would mention it to them.