The Bani Israel were famous for their Ibadat. Among them there was an Aabid (worshipper) who made Ibadat for years on the mountain side. One day whilst engaged in Ibadat he saw a person on his right-hand side who had a past life of sin. This Aabid became annoyed thinking to himself that ‘I am such a great person and have been making Ibadat for so many years and this sinner is sitting next to me.’ Many a times this happens to us; we are engaged in Ibadat and the person that does something wrong is condemned, there is no place in society for him.
So Allah sent the Prophet of the time to tell this Aabid that I have taken away all your Ibadat and have also taken away all the sins of the other person. So you both are on the same level; there is now no difference between the two of you.
Can we see? This is how ALLAH can take away His favours overnight. It belongs to Him. Therefore we should ask ALLAH to give us the guidance to become conscious and recognise ALLAH through these various forms of favours and become conscious of whether we are doing things for the sake of ALLAH or not.