It comes in the Ahadeeth that the closest to Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam on the day of Qiyaamah will be those who read Durood in abundance. The more Durood you recite the closer you will be to him. Hazrat Moulana Zakariyya rahmatullahi alayh states in his Kitaab that there was a Muhaddith who wrote Ahaadeeth. In the Ahaadeeth it is mentioned that if a person writes Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, as long as that is in written form he will get the reward as if he is reciting Durood continuously. The reward of the Muhaditheen and those who write Ahaadeeth is the greatest as far as the Durood is concerned.
So this Muhaddith would sometimes not write down the Durood because of it taking lots of time and space. One day he saw Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in a dream and made Salaam to him. Nabi-e-Kareem Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam turned his face away from him, so he asked, “Oh prophet of ALLAH what is the reason you are not greeting me?” The Holy Prophet replied, “Because you leave out the Durood whenever you write my name.”
Therefore the Hadeeth mentions that a miser is one who does not send Durood upon me when my name is mentioned. In the Hadeeth it comes that a person who recites one hundred Durood, one hundred of his needs will be fulfilled. Now as I have mentioned in the past, try it out. Keep a Tasbeeh and recite Durood. To recite one hundred in a day is extremely easy.
In another Hadeeth it comes that a person who recites one hundred Durood ALLAH writes on his forehead that ALLAH will protect him from Nifaaq and the fire of Jahannum. Therefore, keep your Tasbeeh with you, it is a reminder that whenever you come to the house of ALLAH recite Durood.