First and foremost we thank RABBUL IZZAT who has blessed us, given us Taufeeq, guidance and strength to be present in this Mubarak month of Ramadhaan. It is ALLAH’S mercy and grace that once again he has allowed his servants to take the opportunity to reap the Barakah and blessings of this month.
ALLAH speaks in the Quraan regarding this month:
“ALLAH has made fasting incumbent upon you just as he has made fasting incumbent upon the people before you so that you can develop Taqwa (piety)”.
So Insha-Allah, throughout the month of Ramadhaan we will focus on Taqwa. In Arabic Taqwa means to fear, to abstain or to be pious. We can take all three words and combine them into one word. Taqwa, in simple terms means to utilise this particular month to remove from within ourselves any form of bad qualities and replace them with good qualities. ALLAH says in the Holy Quraan:
“The garments of Taqwa in the eyes of ALLAH are the best”
(Surah A’raaf)
Here ALLAH does not mean that you must buy an expensive jersey, kurta or topi, here ALLAH is speaking of the spiritual Taqwa; that is the garment we will wear or remove, e.g. hatred, malice, jealousy, greed etc. Now to remove those evil qualities and replace them with good qualities is what we call Taqwa.