We turn back the pages of history and learn a very great lesson. When Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam marched into Makkah with ten thousand troops, it was time for Zhur Salaah and Bilal Radhiyallahu Anhu was instructed to give the Athaan, so he stood on a little hill and called out the Athaan. Some people of a high family lineage from the Quraish of Makkah said, “Isn’t there anybody else to give Athaan besides this black slave? How nice that our forefathers have left the world so as not to witness such an unfortunate occasion in the Holy city of Makkah.” With regards to this, the blessed verses were revealed:
“Oh people, ALLAH created you from different groups and tribes so that you can recognise each other. Undoubtedly in the eyes of ALLAH the most honoured and noblest amongst you is the one who has the most Taqwa.”
Now here again the unique lesson we learn, that Taqwa also teaches us humbleness; these are the fruits and results of Taqwa. We must be able to experience this in the month of Ramadhaan.